Activating Memphis 3.0
As the adopted comprehensive plan for Memphis by Mayor Young, the City Council, and the Land Use Control Board, Memphis 3.0 provides the road map for where and how to invest in communities to drive growth within our core — to “build up, not out.” More than 15,000 Memphians offered input at more than 400 events, ensuring that these priorities are informed by significant public input. Growth is anchored on the strength of our core and our neighborhoods, and these investments will kickstart that growth.
Improving neighborhoods with investments in 34 anchor areas across the city

Memphis 3.0 identifies 71 anchor areas as “nurture anchors,” which typically do not have sufficient market-led activity to drive desired change, and 30 “accelerate anchors” with greater potential for private investment, but in need of public support. Early-stage investment in 34 of these anchors is a signal of public sector focus in these areas and designed to unlock opportunities for change. Each anchor will be funded at $400,000 each for select improvements identified as actions associated with Nurture degree of change or actions specified in the District Priorities section of the comprehensive plan. These actions will be determined on an area-by-area basis, but may include:
Street recovering
Bus shelters
light pole banners
Crosswalk/sidewalk improvements
road diets
public wi-fi
streetlight upgrades
Street trees and street furniture
Repurposed vacant land as civic space
closed curb cuts
signage improvements
34 anchor areas
Cleveland & Madison
Poplar & Cleveland
Delano & Watkins
Poplar & Danny Thomas
Frayser Gateway
raleigh egypt
jackson & Evergreen
Ridgeway & Quince
James Road/Old Raleigh
Sea Isle
Kerr & Gaither
kirby & raines
lamar & mclean
southbrook / southland
Macon & Berclair
Macon & Victor
Summer & Graham
Macon & Wells Station
Third & Belz
Mendenhall & Knight Arnold
Third & Fairway/Levi Library
Merton & Harvard
Wells Station & Grey
Neptune & Walker
Winchester & Ridgeway
New Covington & Austin Peay
Winchester & Tchulahoma
Old Cordova
Park & Getwell
Perkins & Knight Arnold
Accelerating change with large-scale, targeted investments in nine anchor areas
These nine anchors combine all elements from above: they are identified as priority anchors (either Accelerate or Nurture), intersect with high frequency transit or bus rapid transit, and exhibit opportunities for greater private sector investment on the heels of public investment. Improvements in these areas will be directed by a small area plan that takes a deeper look at the types of public investments best suited to accelerate change in these areas.

37.4 Million
Small area plans for Raleigh Town Center and Whitehaven Plaza are complete. Planning efforts for the remaining small areas are underway. That planning effort will seek to identify opportunities for transit-oriented residential and business development in the selected areas and potential funding options and strategies to guide investment for future growth. Examples of the type of investments that may be recommended are found in the small area plans for Raleigh and Whitehaven and include:
Public promenade and plaza (Raleigh & Whitehaven)
Installation of new streets, curb, and gutter (Raleigh & Whitehaven)
Neighborhood squares and parks (Raleigh & Whitehaven)
Landscaped medians (Raleigh)
Pedestrian scale street lights, new crosswalks, and signals (Raleigh)
New sidewalks and pedestrian trails (Raleigh & Whitehaven)
Broadband and wireless Internet (Raleigh & Whitehaven)
Pedestrian scale street lights, new crosswalks, and signals (Raleigh)
New sidewalks and pedestrian trails (Raleigh & Whitehaven)
New community buildings (Whitehaven)
Rainwater detention (Whitehaven)
Mix of housing types, including affordable housing (Raleigh & Whitehaven)
9 anchor areas
Safety improvements in eight Memphis 3.0-identified infrastructure priority anchor areas or corridors ($9 million).
Street improvements are proposed for areas of critical need. Accelerate Memphis dollars identified will match $25.7 million in federal and state transportation funds. Street improvements may include: intersection redesign, improved lighting, signal upgrades, crosswalk/sidewalk improvements, bike lanes and bicycle facility protection, street furniture, ADA improvements, or traffic calming. Areas include:
Frayser & Overton Crossing
Hickory Hill & Winchester
Hollywood Street
Ridgeway & Quince
Third & Ford
Trinity & Germantown
Watkins/Cleveland/Bellevue/Elvis Presley corridor
Closing the knowledge gap with broadband infrastructure ($7.5 million).
Too many Memphians do not have access to broadband internet, negatively affecting learning, job access, and quality of life. By allocating $7.5 million in Accelerate Memphis funds to bring fiber to more and more neighborhoods with strategies to be identified by the Memphis 3.0 Smart City Plan, the City could make meaningful progress in closing this gap.
Investing in housing opportunities ($7.5 million).
The City is committed to making investments in affordable housing that support the needs of Memphis residents. These funds will be used for infrastructure, acquisition, and demolition in support of affordable housing development in Memphis 3.0 anchors. These investments will ensure that long-term affordability in Memphis neighborhoods remains a priority as redevelopment occurs.